Name befor adoption : Laura
Name after adoption : Lisa
Adoption date : June 2019
Jindo mix. Femal. 2y.

From new family :

Laura is doing really really well. We changed her name to Lisa. The first day we got her she pooed twice on her walk! She doesn’t like her dog bed so she sleeps with us haha. After you left she was just ouside in the backyard for a long time just watching nature and din’t want to come in.

I posted photos of some of the things we’ve been doing with her so far.

She’s veryyyyyyy social with other dogs. We brought her to the dog park today and yesterday and she is always the first to greet everyone. She’s very good on the leash now and pulls a lot less – John is still training her.

She doesn’t get as startled by loud noises anymore, but this is still a work progress. One at a time!

Thank you so much

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